Bee Wrappy

Why do you use Jojoba oil in your beeswax wraps?

We use Jojoba Oil to add a level of vital suppleness to our products and to make them really malleable, and we're often asked where we obtain the products we use. In this case, the answer is from a carefully selected group of sustainable family farms in the New England region of New South Wales. As you would expect, it's free from any artificial colours or preservatives. 

A quick history of Jojoba oil

Okay, we're slightly quirky and always full of interest, so we've found out that Jojoba Oil has been used in the past to treat sores and wounds by Native Americans among others. Interestingly, in the US, it was used as a replacement for whale oil when its use was banned in the early 1970s. Incidentally, it was quickly discovered by many companies to be a generally superior product to that unacceptable alternative!

Other sources for products we use

You might like to know where we source some of the other products we use when making our Bee Wrappy Beeswax Food Wraps. Our pure and organic beeswax comes from Lismore, wild harvested Virgin Coconut Oil from villages in Papua New Guinea, and Dammar Resin from trees in both Southern Java and Sumatra. If you want to find out more about how and why we make these choices, please look here:

One more important point about Jojoba Oil

If you, or anyone else who might be using our Beeswax Food Wraps, is allergic to Jojoba Oil, please do not use our wraps. Of course, the vast majority of our customers are lucky not to have this problem and can enjoy the benefits of this terrific product. If you have any other allergen concerns, you'll find valuable information here:

A better way of doing things

We passionately believe that our Beeswax Food Wraps offer a terrific alternative to the use of plastic and cling wraps. We love how they keep our food, and we feel their positive effect on the environment. We hope you do too!